Wednesday 24 October 2012

Junk is conquered!

10 ways to triumph over the evil.
Overcome your desires to indulge in Junk Food. Your knowledge to live right is no good unless you are no longer a slave of temptation. Your body will be reduced to ashes before time. Take control in your hands, for nothing lives forever.

Calorie cares: Inspite of their fat content, Avacados are capable of lowering cholesterol. Replacing 5% of your calories from saturated fat (butter & cheese) with monounsaturated fat – present in Avocados –reduces the risk of heart attack by more than a third.

Avacados are high in beta-sitosterol, a plant sterol that blocks the absorption of cholesterol from food, and the anticancer compound glutathione, a powerful antioxidant.
Protein: Beans are very good for your heart because of their soluble fibre by atleast 10-15% that soaks up cholesterol that sticks like glue to artery walls. Blood sugar also benefits from the same soluble fibre combined with beans protein. Furthermore, magnesium relaxes arteries, giving extra room for the blood to flow and lowers blood pressure.
Antioxidant: The antioxidant plant pigments that constitute Blueberries-flavonoids called anthocyanins guard heart diseases, cancer and age-related blindness and memory loss. They even prevent urinary tract infections because of einspicatech which keep bacteria from sticking to bladder walls. Plus, the fibre in blueberries makes them powerful antidotes to constipation.

Enzymes: Broccoli is the No.1 chosen soldier to fight cancer, thanks to its sulfur compounds, such as sulforaphane, which you can smell as broccoli cooks. These compounds signal our genes to boost production of enzymes that detoxify potentially cancer-causing compounds. The risk of breast, lung, stomach and colon cancer, all can be fought with this weapon. Sulforaphane has also been found to kill the bacteria that cause ulcers. Broccoli's is a non-dairy source of calcium and potassium, making it good for your bones as well as your blood pressure. Its vitamin C and beta-carotene protect your eyes from cataracts and safeguard your brain cells from memory-robbing attacks by free radicals.
Flavonoids: Dark chocolate-The ultimate flavonoid farmer. It contains hefty amounts of disease-fighting flavonoids, antioxidants also found in red wine and many fruits and vegetables. In fact, it appears to have more flavonoids than any other food. Its antioxidants can improve blood pressure, prevent blood clots, slow the oxidation of LDL cholesterol (making it less likely to stick to artery walls), and reduce inflammation. Some research suggests that eating 45 grams (1.5 ounces) a day can cut heart attack risk by 10 percent. Eating dark chocolate can also lower insulin resistance, the main problem behind diabetes.
Soluble fibre: A tablespoon of ground flaxseed over cereal or yogurt provides an easy 2.3 grams of fibre, more than what is in the cereal itself! But flaxseed is most revered for its lignans. They act like estrogen in the body, blocking estrogen receptors on cells and contributing to reduced rates of certain hormone-related cancers, such as breast cancer. Flaxseed is also a fantastic source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential fatty acid the body uses to make omega-3 fatty acids. ALA thins the blood and makes it less sticky, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. The little seeds also can lower cholesterol, thanks to their big stocks of soluble fibre. Their anti-inflammatory power may also help keep various conditions, from acne to asthma, at bay.
The anti of everything: Garlic-has more health benefits than any other food. Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties; it even appears to banish some antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Most of its disease-fighting potential comes from its sulfur compounds, which act as antioxidants, providing many of its cardiovascular benefits. Garlic lowers cholesterol only modestly, but it also acts as a blood thinner, reducing the formation of blood clots and your risk of heart attack and stroke. Just 6 or more cloves a week can slash your risk of colorectal, stomach and prostate cancer in half, compared to eating one clove a week or less. The sulfur compounds flush out carcinogens before they can damage cell DNA, and they force cancer cells that do develop to self-destruct.
Favoured Fat: The fat in salmon is like liquid gold when it comes to your blood vessels. Just 2 servings of salmon a week can reduce your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 17 % and your risk of having a heart attack by 27 %. And the benefits appear to go beyond the heart. People who had the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood were 53 % less likely to report feeling mildly or moderately depressed.
Vitamin K: Spinach, in addition to protecting your eyes from age-related macular degeneration, thanks to its carotenoids, has high concentrations of vitamin K, which can help maintain bone density and prevent fractures. The green stuff is also a powerful source of potassium and magnesium as well as folate, all of which can keep blood pressure low, reducing the risk of stroke. Folate also appears to reduce the risk of lung cancer in former smokers.
Calcium: Yogurt is a great source of bone-building calcium, but its armour is bacteria, known as probiotics, that keep down the growth of harmful bacteria in your gut. Too many "bad" bacteria can lead to gastrointestinal and other health problems. Eating more yogurt could help with inflammatory bowel disease, ulcers, urinary tract infections and vaginal yeast infections etc. Probiotics also produce immunity-enhancing compounds and natural antibiotics that help reduce levels of nasty bacteria in the gut.
With the bow of 10 healthy foods, set fire to junk. Happy Dussehra!

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